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BioMycoX® Mycoplasma Elimination Kit

This kit is non-antibiotic product that can permanently eliminate mycoplasma contamination in cell culture

E-01, E-02, E-03

Ordering Information

Cat. No Unit Size Price
E-01 1 Application 
(Light contamination)
Request a quote→

E-02 2 Application
(Medium contamination)
E-03 3 Application
(Heavy contamination)

Product Overview


  • Fast and permanent elimination of mycoplasma
  • Combination of biological agents(non-antibiotic product)
  • Complementing the disadvantages of existing antibiotics
  • Can be used for all type cell lines
  • Minimized cytotoxicity
  • Effective range: Mollicutes and related organisms
    (Mycoplasma, Acholeplasma, Ureaplasma, Spiroplasma, Entomoplasma etc.)




Result of Mycoplasma Elimination (PCR)

Tested with BioMycoX® Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit (Cat. No. D-25, CellSafe)

Lane 1 : 100bp ladder
Lane 2 :  Before treatment with elimination reagent
Lane 3 :  After treatment with elimination reagent once
Lane 4 :  After treatment with elimination reagent twice
Lane 5 :  Culture after treatment with elimination reagent twice
Lane 6 :  After treatment with elimination reagent 4 times
Lane 7 :  Culture after treatment with elimination reagent 4 times
Lane 8 :  Positive control
Lane 9 :  Negative control


Result of Mycoplasma Elimination (Realtime PCR)

Tested with BioMycoX® Mycoplasma qPCR Detection Kit (Cat. No. QDR-25, CellSafe)




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