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HiSense™ HotTaq PCR Polymerase/ Master Mix/ Premix

This product is a mixture of Taq DNA Polymerase and Anti-Taq antibodies. The activity of Taq DNA polymerase is inhibited at room temperature, and the amplification activity is designed to be restored at temperatures above 50°C.

DFH-500, DFHM-5, LHP-96, LHP-480

Ordering Information

Type Cat. No Unit Size Price
Polymerase DFH-500 500 U Request a quote→
Master Mix DFHM-5 5 ml
Premix LHP-96 96 Tests
LHP-480 480 Tests

Product Overview


  • Source : Thermus aquaticus
  • 5’ → 3’ exonuclease activity : Yes
  • 3’ → 5’ exonuclease activity : No
  • Amplification size : < 3 kb
  • A-tailing : Yes
  • Hot start : Yes




  • SNP/Genotyping
  • 16S and 23S rRNA gene amplification
  • Detection of bacteria in samples (e.g. blood)
  • DNA labeling reactions & TA-cloning
  • Minimize primer dimer




Specificity comparison between HiSense™ HotTaq Master Mix and HiSense™ Taq Master Mix

The cycling conditions were 25°C 1hour, 95°C for 5 min, 30 cycles of 95°C for 10 sec,  65°C for 10 sec and  72°C for 30 sec. The Anti-Taq antibody of HiSense™  HotTaq PCR Polymerase prevents the formation of misprimed products and primer-dimers at low temperatures (room temperature).

Lane 1 : 100bp DNA ladder

Lane 2,3 : 1ng human genomic DNA (HotTaq)
Lane 4,5 : 0.1ng human genomic DNA (HotTaq)

Lane 6,7 : 1ng human genomic DNA (Taq)
Lane 8,9 : 0.1ng human genomic DNA (Taq)



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