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HiSense™ DLRTaq PCR Polymerase/ Master Mix/ Premix

This product is optimized for amplifying DNA templates up to a length of 40 kb. The added dUTPase effectively amplifies large-sized DNA by removing dUTP generated at high temperatures.

DLR-500, DFDLM-5, LDLP-96, LDLP-480

Ordering Information

Type Cat. No Unit Size Price
Polymerase DLR-500 500 U Request a quote→
Master Mix DFDLM-5 5 ml
Premix LDLP-96 96 Tests
LDLP-480 480 Tests

Product Overview


  • 5’ → 3’ exonuclease activity : Yes
  • 3’ → 5’ exonuclease activity : Yes (weak)
  • Amplification size : < 40 kb
  • A-tailing : Yes




  • long-range amplification from genomic DNA
  • High amplification efficiency
  • Excellent performance on difficult templates
  • Amplification of low-copy targets
  • High yield and high sensitivity PCR




The amplification efficiency of HiSense™ Taq Master Mix 
: The cycling conditions for HiSense™ Taq PCR Master Mix  were 95°C for 5 min, 25 cycles of 95°C for 30 sec, 55°C for 30 sec, and 72°C for 1 min. 

Lane 1 : 1kb plus DNA ladder
Lane 2,3 : 1kb fragment
Lane 4,5 : 3.8kb fragment
Lane 6,7 : 6.2kb fragment
Lane 8,9 : 7.5kb fragment




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